
Wichtige Mitteilung: Heute findet keine Schifffahrt statt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tuer adi­pi­scing elit. Aene­an com­mo­do ligu­la eget dolor. Aene­an mas­sa. Cum soci­is nato­que pena­ti­bus et mag­nis dis par­tu­ri­ent mon­tes, nasce­tur ridi­cu­lus mus. Donec quam felis, ultri­ci­es nec, pel­len­tes­que eu, pre­ti­um quis, sem. Nulla con­se­quat mas­sa quis enim. Donec pede jus­to, frin­gil­la vel, ali­quet nec, vul­pu­ta­te eget, arcu. In enim jus­to, rhon­cus ut, imper­diet a, venena­tis vitae, jus­to. Null­am dic­tum felis eu pede mol­lis pre­ti­um. Inte­ger tin­cidunt. Cras dapi­bus. Viva­mus ele­mentum sem­per nisi. Aene­an vul­pu­ta­te eleifend tel­lus. Aene­an leo ligu­la, port­ti­tor eu, con­se­quat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

Toplitzsee wasserfall3 castrid eder

Information for bus drivers

We like to say that Grundlsee is the most beautiful cul-de-sac in the world. We understand that turning a coach around in tight or busy areas can be a real challenge. We have added some further information here to assist any coach driver that may be driving and parking around Grundlsee.

Landing docks and parking lots

Anlegestelle seehotel1 cflorian loitzl

Landing dock, Seehotel Grundlsee

It is pos­si­ble to embark/​disembark pas­sen­gers both befo­re and after pas­sing the See­ho­tel Grundl­see howe­ver par­king is not per­mit­ted. If all pas­sen­gers are able-bodi­ed, buses may park at Fischer­steg” par­king lot, which is a 5‑minute walk to the depar­tu­re dock. Fischer­steg” is loca­ted direct­ly oppo­si­te MON­DI Hotel am Grundl­see” access road, just befo­re arri­ving at the lake. Here you also have amp­le space to turn a coach around.

Anlegestelle pavillon2 castrid eder

Landing dock, Pavillon in the centre of the village

If you lea­ve your group at the pavil­lon (oppo­si­te Uni­markt Grundl­see), you will find public toi­lets and a par­king area. 

Anlegestelle goessl cmanuel capellari

Landing dock, Gößl

You may embark/​disembark pas­sen­gers here and find public toi­lets oppo­si­te the landing dock. 200m fur­ther down the road you reach Gast­haus Ros­ti­ger Anker” with a bus par­king area.

Turning possibilities

You will have suf­fi­ci­ent space to turn the coach at Fischer­steg”, the Bet­tel­um­kehr”, Gais­win­kel” and at the Gast­haus Ros­ti­ger Anker” par­king area. The round­about in Gößl is also ide­al for tur­ning around.

If you have any fur­ther ques­ti­ons the staff of the Grundl­see Infor­ma­ti­on Office will be hap­py to help you:

+43 (0)3622 / 86 66
