
Wichtige Mitteilung: Heute findet keine Schifffahrt statt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tuer adi­pi­scing elit. Aene­an com­mo­do ligu­la eget dolor. Aene­an mas­sa. Cum soci­is nato­que pena­ti­bus et mag­nis dis par­tu­ri­ent mon­tes, nasce­tur ridi­cu­lus mus. Donec quam felis, ultri­ci­es nec, pel­len­tes­que eu, pre­ti­um quis, sem. Nulla con­se­quat mas­sa quis enim. Donec pede jus­to, frin­gil­la vel, ali­quet nec, vul­pu­ta­te eget, arcu. In enim jus­to, rhon­cus ut, imper­diet a, venena­tis vitae, jus­to. Null­am dic­tum felis eu pede mol­lis pre­ti­um. Inte­ger tin­cidunt. Cras dapi­bus. Viva­mus ele­mentum sem­per nisi. Aene­an vul­pu­ta­te eleifend tel­lus. Aene­an leo ligu­la, port­ti­tor eu, con­se­quat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

Toplitzsee7 cmanuel capellari

Lake Toplitzsee Between nature and history

The mystical dark waters of Lake Toplitzsee lays about a 20 minutes walk from Lake Grundlsee. This outrageously gorgeous lake must not be missed when visiting the area! The walk is undemanding and it is safe for young and old folk alike!

max. depth
above sea level
Toplitzsee plaette2 charald eisenberger

Lake Toplitzsee – a scenic treasure hunt

The­re are four varied paths that lead to Lake Toplitz­see. The vehic­le access road is clo­sed to nor­mal traf­fic but it is pos­si­ble to take a hor­se and car­ria­ge up this peaceful gra­vel road to the spec­ta­cu­lar shores of Toplitz­see. From this point the only way for­ward is to take a Plät­te” boat across to the east shore as the­re is no access paths going around the side of this lake. From the east shore of Toplitz­see it is a short walk to the secluded natu­ral won­der that is Kammersee. 

Lake Toplitz­see is fed by beau­tiful water­falls as well as an under­ground tri­bu­t­a­ry from Lake Kam­mer­see. From the sur­face, the Toplitz­see appears dark and mysterious…this is an unu­su­al natu­ral phe­no­me­non that is cau­sed by mul­ti­ple lay­ers of dif­fe­rent water solu­ti­ons. Twen­ty meters below the sur­face is a second lay­er of water that has a very litt­le oxy­gen and a low level salt con­tent. The­se mixing lay­ers cau­se an effect whe­re the light is swal­lo­wed” and gives the lake its black appearance from above. 

Toplitz­see is loca­ted in a Natu­re Reser­ve, which means that the­re are rest­ric­tions on what acti­vi­ties are per­mit­ted the­re. Swim­ming is allo­wed but all other types of water acti­vi­ties such as SUP boards, any type of boating or diving equip­ment is for­bidden. The natu­ral diver­si­ty of Toplitz­see thanks you for you cooperation!

Toplitzsee1 charald eisenberger

An eventful history

A memo­ri­al stone com­me­mo­ra­tes the first mee­ting bet­ween Arch­du­ke Johann and Anna Plochl, a gre­at and unu­su­al love sto­ry that began at Lake Toplitz­see in 1819

More clo­se­ly rela­ted to the Lake its­elf are the reports of tre­asu­res from the Nazi era – the lake has seen many tre­asu­re hun­ters in its past, even sub­ma­ri­nes were used in search of gold and objects of art. In fact, vast quan­ti­ties of coun­ter­feit Bri­tish pound bank­no­tes were found at the bot­tom of the lake; for­ged on behalf of the Nazi régime with the pur­po­se of caus­ing las­ting dama­ge to the Bri­tish economy.

Toplitzsee wasserfall4 cflorian loitzl

Movies on the subject

The Tre­asu­re of Lake Toplitz­see, 1959

Die Fäl­scher, 2007 (Oscar for Best For­eign Lan­guage Film’)

Gastro fischerhuette


If you would like to learn more about the histo­ry and at the same time enjoy the local culina­ry delights, then the Fischer­hüt­te” at the Toplitz­see is the per­fect place for you. The restau­rant­’s ter­race is loca­ted direct­ly on the west shore and the regio­nal cui­sine is famous for char and trout from the local waters.

Restau­rant is clo­sed on Wednesday.

Reser­va­ti­on, espe­ci­al­ly for lar­ger groups, is recommended!

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Toplitzsee wasserfall6 castrid eder
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