
Wichtige Mitteilung: Heute findet keine Schifffahrt statt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tuer adi­pi­scing elit. Aene­an com­mo­do ligu­la eget dolor. Aene­an mas­sa. Cum soci­is nato­que pena­ti­bus et mag­nis dis par­tu­ri­ent mon­tes, nasce­tur ridi­cu­lus mus. Donec quam felis, ultri­ci­es nec, pel­len­tes­que eu, pre­ti­um quis, sem. Nulla con­se­quat mas­sa quis enim. Donec pede jus­to, frin­gil­la vel, ali­quet nec, vul­pu­ta­te eget, arcu. In enim jus­to, rhon­cus ut, imper­diet a, venena­tis vitae, jus­to. Null­am dic­tum felis eu pede mol­lis pre­ti­um. Inte­ger tin­cidunt. Cras dapi­bus. Viva­mus ele­mentum sem­per nisi. Aene­an vul­pu­ta­te eleifend tel­lus. Aene­an leo ligu­la, port­ti­tor eu, con­se­quat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

Grundlsee rudolf13 cmanuel capellari

Lake Grundlsee the “Styrian Sea”

Lake Grundlsee is the largest lake in Styria and therefore earned it´s nickname as the "Styrian Sea". The captains of Schifffahrt Grundlsees’ fleet are therefore officially "sailors" and naturally have some exciting stories to tell. Embedded in an incredibly beautiful mountain scenery, Lake Grundlsee is situated at the south-western edge of the “Totes Gebirge” mountain range. It geographically belongs to the Styrian part of the Salzkammergut.

max. depth
above sea level
Grundlsee surfer castrid eder

Magnetic in summers and winters

Sum­mers at the lake lure a multi­tu­de of peo­p­le to the free­ly acces­si­ble bea­ches and magni­fi­cent sce­n­ery. The lake attracts many guests who come to swim and relax. The­re are also many who uti­li­se the lake for sai­ling, wind­sur­fing, rowing and diving.

In win­ter it is a very dif­fe­rent sce­ne. Occa­sio­nal­ly Lake Grundl­see free­zes over which brings a ple­tho­ra of child­ren, ice ska­ters and cur­ling enthu­si­asts onto Sty­ri­as lar­gest ice rink.

Fischerei ckarl steinegger

Freshwater Fish

Lake Grundl­see is home to many spe­ci­es of fish inclu­ding char and lake trout, which are high­ly favou­red in the local restaurants. 

Wild fish caught direct­ly from the lake is a spe­cia­li­ty in Sty­ria that is only available sea­so­nal­ly and in limi­t­ed quan­ti­ties. It is of the hig­hest prio­ri­ty to main­tain high levels of sus­tainable wild fish stocks. 

Every year in the autumn fisher­men catch some of the wild lake fish, coll­ect their eggs and release the fish back into the wild. The­se wild eggs are then nur­tu­red by Fische­rei Aus­seer­land, the local fishery, to cul­ti­va­te fresh fish that can be purcha­sed at local fish shops Fischer­lä­den des Aus­seer­lands” or online via Flos­sen­Box.