Grundlsee rudolf19 calexander lang

Group trips to Ausseerland region

If you have bad memories of group travel, you probably never had the pleasure of travelling to the Styrian Salzkammergut with good-humoured and like-minded people... We always find that the laughter of a group trip to the Grundlsee can be quite infectious

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Explore Lake Grundlsee...

While most lar­ge groups usual­ly want to make a full tour around Lake Grundl­see, we usual­ly recom­mend that they ins­tead make just half trip”. Why you ask?

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...and Lake Toplitzsee!

So that the group has enough time to see the other beau­tiful lakes of Toplitz­see and Kam­mer­see of cour­se! By taking a shorter tour on the Grundl­see leg of the trip, the group is able to include: a beau­tiful walk through the forest, a Plät­te” boat ride across the dark waters of Toplitz­see and a visit to the quiet sere­ni­ty of Lake Kammersee. 

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No worries!

Nor­mal­ly we return your group to their ori­gi­nal start­ing point on Grundl­see. For tho­se groups on a tigh­ter time sche­du­le you can arran­ge for your bus to meet you in Gößl as you return from Toplitz­see, making a second trip on Lake Grundl­see unneces­sa­ry and safe some time.

We hope that your group enjoys their time get­ting to expe­ri­ence the most beau­tiful lakes in the Sty­ri­an Salzkammergut.


Group prices
Charter MS Rudolf
Charter MS Traun
Charter MS Gössl

Group prices

Children (6 bis 15)
€ 28,60
€ 17,20
Grundlsee roundtrip (1 h)
€ 16,70
€ 10,10
Grundlsee roundtrip small (1/2 h)
€ 11,90
€ 7,10
Grundlsee one way + Toplitzsee
€ 23,80
€ 14,20
€ 11,90
€ 7,10

Charter MS Rudolf

30 minutes
€ 520
1 hour
€ 760
each extra 30 min
€ 250

Charter MS Traun

30 minutes
€ 440
1 hour
€ 650
each extra 30 min
€ 200

Charter MS Gössl

1 hours
€ 240
each extra hour
€ 180
Gruppenreisen stmk2

Gruppenreisen Steiermark

Als stol­zes Mit­glied von Grup­pen­rei­sen Stei­er­mark freut es uns, auf zahl­rei­che wei­te­re Aus­flugs­zie­le ver­wei­sen zu dür­fen, die Ihre Rei­se ins grü­ne Herz Öster­reichs mit Sicher­heit unver­gess­lich wer­den las­sen: Hier ent­lang zum Onlineauftritt