Anlegestelle seehotel2 castrid eder

Karte & Anlegestellen

Arriving at Lake Grundlsee

A lar­ge flag indi­ca­tes each of Schiff­fahrt Grundl­sees’ landing docks.

If you are arri­ving by car, plea­se read some tips about arri­val & par­king!

Anlegestelle seehotel1 cflorian loitzl

First landing dock

Seehotel Grundlsee

See­ho­tel Grundl­see is secret­ly the favou­ri­te gathe­ring place for all of Lake Grundl­sees sea­fa­rers” and is the first landing dock you will reach when arri­ving in Grundl­see. See­ho­tel Grundl­see mana­ges all requests and boo­kings. Plea­se talk with the fri­end­ly recep­ti­on staff upon arrival.

Floating dock
Public toilets
Parking for busses
Steg pavillon manuelcapellari

Second landing dock

Pavillon Grundlsee

The Music Pavi­li­on Grundl­see is pro­ba­b­ly the most out­stan­ding buil­ding on the Lake and is found in the cent­re of town. The Pavi­li­on is a popu­lar loca­ti­on for wed­dings and con­certs as well as the second landing dock for all of our vessels.

We are very for­t­u­na­te and pri­vi­le­ged to share this ama­zing loca­ti­on and the­r­e­fo­re want to thank the Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Grundl­see for their fan­ta­stic cooperation.

Floating dock
Public toilets
Parking for busses
Steg goessl astrideder

Third landing dock


The quaint vil­la­ge Gößl on the shores of Lake Grundl­see is a par­ti­cu­lar­ly beau­tiful pie­ce of land and loca­ti­on of our third landing dock. From here you will find seve­ral paths to Lake Toplitz­see. The­re are 4 sepa­ra­te paths to Lake Toplit­zee, each with its own cha­rac­ter and beau­ty. Take some time to explo­re and enjoy the natu­ral sur­roun­dings the­se dif­fe­rent rou­tes offer.

Floating dock
Public toilets
Parking for busses
Anlegestelle toplitzsee1 castrid eder

Landing docks


Taking one of the paths from Gößl will bring you to the west end of Toplit­zee. Near­by is the Fischer­hüt­te” Restau­rant whe­re you can enjoy some local cui­sine from the lake. Next to the Fischer­hüt­te” is the the west end landing dock whe­re you can take one of the Plät­ten” – tra­di­tio­nal long boats – to the east end of the lake and start the short walk through the forest to the remo­te Kam­mer­see lake.