
Wichtige Mitteilung: Heute findet keine Schifffahrt statt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tuer adi­pi­scing elit. Aene­an com­mo­do ligu­la eget dolor. Aene­an mas­sa. Cum soci­is nato­que pena­ti­bus et mag­nis dis par­tu­ri­ent mon­tes, nasce­tur ridi­cu­lus mus. Donec quam felis, ultri­ci­es nec, pel­len­tes­que eu, pre­ti­um quis, sem. Nulla con­se­quat mas­sa quis enim. Donec pede jus­to, frin­gil­la vel, ali­quet nec, vul­pu­ta­te eget, arcu. In enim jus­to, rhon­cus ut, imper­diet a, venena­tis vitae, jus­to. Null­am dic­tum felis eu pede mol­lis pre­ti­um. Inte­ger tin­cidunt. Cras dapi­bus. Viva­mus ele­mentum sem­per nisi. Aene­an vul­pu­ta­te eleifend tel­lus. Aene­an leo ligu­la, port­ti­tor eu, con­se­quat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.


Company trips and events by Schifffahrt Grundlsee

We are experienced in hosting company events and trips on our boats. Let us assist you so you can focus on getting the most productive and enjoyable experience for your employees in this inspiring region.

Incentives on the ship

Get away from the ever­y­day and into the extra­or­di­na­ry. Lea­ve your worries behind as you step off dry land and set sail” over the soot­hing waters of Grundl­see. Enjoy the impres­si­ve natu­ral back­drops with your col­le­agues and let work rela­ted stress blow away with the sea breeze.

Grundlsee goessl10 castrid eder
Team kapitän2 charald eisenberger