Grundlsee traun2 cflorian loitzl


The most beautiful way to explore Lake Grundlsee is a round trip on one of our nostalgic ships. Enjoy the view of the surrounding nature and breathe in the fresh air – a relaxing trip around Lake Grundlsee gives you a "break" from your stressful everyday life.

Grundlsee rudolf5 cflorian loitzl

More information:

- Our ships run accor­ding to the timetable.

- Depar­tu­re is pos­si­ble from all landing docks!

- Enjoy a break during your tour, you may dis­em­bar­k/­re-embark one time during the tour to explo­re one of the other landing docks.

- Bad wea­ther is no hin­drance for a round trip at Lake Grundl­see. The mys­ti­cal atmo­sphe­re on rai­ny days has its own spe­cial charm!