
Wichtige Mitteilung: Heute findet keine Schifffahrt statt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tuer adi­pi­scing elit. Aene­an com­mo­do ligu­la eget dolor. Aene­an mas­sa. Cum soci­is nato­que pena­ti­bus et mag­nis dis par­tu­ri­ent mon­tes, nasce­tur ridi­cu­lus mus. Donec quam felis, ultri­ci­es nec, pel­len­tes­que eu, pre­ti­um quis, sem. Nulla con­se­quat mas­sa quis enim. Donec pede jus­to, frin­gil­la vel, ali­quet nec, vul­pu­ta­te eget, arcu. In enim jus­to, rhon­cus ut, imper­diet a, venena­tis vitae, jus­to. Null­am dic­tum felis eu pede mol­lis pre­ti­um. Inte­ger tin­cidunt. Cras dapi­bus. Viva­mus ele­mentum sem­per nisi. Aene­an vul­pu­ta­te eleifend tel­lus. Aene­an leo ligu­la, port­ti­tor eu, con­se­quat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

Grundlsee traun2 cflorian loitzl


The most beautiful way to explore Lake Grundlsee is a round trip on one of our nostalgic ships. Enjoy the view of the surrounding nature and breathe in the fresh air – a relaxing trip around Lake Grundlsee gives you a "break" from your stressful everyday life.

Grundlsee rudolf5 cflorian loitzl

More information:

- Our ships run accor­ding to the timetable.

- Depar­tu­re is pos­si­ble from all landing docks!

- Enjoy a break during your tour, you may dis­em­bar­k/­re-embark one time during the tour to explo­re one of the other landing docks.

- Bad wea­ther is no hin­drance for a round trip at Lake Grundl­see. The mys­ti­cal atmo­sphe­re on rai­ny days has its own spe­cial charm!