Grundlsee flotte10 cflorian loitzl

Current timetable

Our dai­ly time­ta­ble has fixed hours of depar­tu­re which is com­ple­te­ly unaf­fec­ted by the wea­ther! We sail — rain, hail or shine! 

Should the­re be any chan­ges to the time­ta­ble, all details can be found online or at any of our landing docks around Lake Grundlsee.

05 min.
25 min.
30 min.
09:00 am
09:05 am
09:30 am
10:00 am
10:15 am
10:20 am
10:50 am
11:25 am
11:30 am
11:35 am
12:05 pm
12:40 pm
01:15 pm
01:20 pm
01:50 pm
02:25 pm
02:30 pm
02:35 pm
03:05 pm
03:40 pm
03:45 pm
03:50 pm
04:20 pm
04:55 pm
05:00 pm
05:05 pm
05:30 pm
06:00 pm

In ear­ly and late sea­son the­re are 5 round trips every day, in the High sea­son we increase to 7 round trips each day. Plea­se con­sider this when boo­king your tour. 

TICKETS can be purcha­sed at the landing dock or aboard our boats!

Reser­va­tions for lar­ger groups are also possible. 

Timetable Toplitzsee

The tra­di­tio­nal boats at Lake Toplitz­see are not ope­ra­ting on a fixed sche­du­le, but are going every 30 – 60 minutes.

Your personal timetable

For indi­vi­du­al requests bey­ond our time tables or group reser­va­tions plea­se cont­act us through our online cont­act form or via E‑Mail!