Course of the 3-Lake-Tour

Here you can find out what a classic 3-Lake-Tour looks like.

approx. 3–4
repetition potential

Par­king in one of the lar­ger par­king are­as is recom­men­ded. The big­gest one, just befo­re arri­ving at Grundl­see, is only a short walk from the landing docks of Schiff­farht Grundl­see. Enjoy a short walk along the side of the Traun river to the pic­tures­que shores of the lake, which are not acces­si­ble by car


You can embark one of our magni­fi­cent­ly res­to­red woo­den ships at See­ho­tel Grundl­see or at the Music Pavil­lon fur­ther down the lake. Tickets for the 3‑La­ke-Tour are available at the landing docks or direct­ly aboard one of the ships — so you don’t need to worry about purcha­sing tickets in advan­ce! Groups are advi­sed to make reser­va­tions pri­or depar­tu­re to ensu­re ade­qua­te space for the enti­re group.


Take in the views of the Totes Gebir­ge” moun­ta­ins as you enjoy a half-hour trip across Lake Grundl­see. Don’t for­get to pick up a time­ta­ble so you have an over­view of all depar­tu­re times for your return trip. 


Dis­em­bark in Gößl and choo­se one of 4 rou­tes lea­ding up to Lake Toplitz­see. You should dele­ga­te about 20 – 30 minu­tes for this stun­ning walk. If you do not want to walk up, or are unable to, you can take a hor­se and car­ria­ge ride by cal­ling 0676 / 78 27 917. It is wise to reser­ve a coach, howe­ver on sun­ny days during main sea­son it is some­ti­mes pos­si­ble to find the car­ria­ge available wit­hout having made pre­vious reservation.


The­re is no offi­ci­al time­ta­ble for the woo­den Plät­te” boats that shut­tle back and forth across Lake Toplitz­see. The first one departs at 10:30am and they are con­stant­ly depar­ting at about 30min inter­vals. This 2km stretch of water takes you pas­sed the water­fall strewn cliffs of Toplitz­see. Dura­ti­on of this boat ride is about 10 – 15min.


Arri­ving at the eas­tern shore of Lake Toplitz­see, you have 20min to make the short walk up to Lake Kam­mer­see (dura­ti­on 2 – 3min), enjoy this peaceful natu­ral place and then return back down to the boat. We ask that guests make sure they stick to this sche­du­le as spen­ding lon­ger in Kam­mer­see area will upset the logi­stics of all the tours. 


After app­re­cia­ting the natu­ral sple­ndours of Kam­mer­see you will begin the return jour­ney. Back across the Toplitz­see by Plät­te”, a downhill walk back to Gößl and retur­ning by boat across Grundl­see to your ori­gi­nal start­ing point.